Pre-K Schedule 



Our half day schedule in PreK provides activities through a research-based curriculum that focuses on the foundational skills, language skills, and social-emotional growth and development to help all students to be ready for Kindergarten.  We explore, create, and learn through natural, hands on experiences and try to keep the same routine each day to promote confidence and independence for helping and interacting with others, sharing materials and following directions.   

  • All class Restroom Break
  • Table Time Activities -we use manipulatives, work in our journals, or use books, puzzles or games that review the skills and concepts for Letters, Sounds, Numbers, Counting Skills, Colors, Shapes, Patterns, Sequences, Rhyming, Writing, or Fine Motor and Large Motor Development.  

  • Name Recognition Sign In/Book Look- we practice writing our names daily using lower case letters as we see and find them in print, and then explore with books in all genres. 

  • Large group Circle Time-Song/Poem/Story - we discuss problem solving ideas for social issues; develop calendar math skills and weather checks; review concepts of print, letter/sound identification, counting and number skills, and shapes and patterns;  and engage in a story/discussion for the particular unit of study.

Pre-K Schedule Continued:

  • Choice Time Centers - Students have opportunities to choose activities for purposeful play in our centers of Blocks and Building,Tools, Science/Stem, Math, Writing, Art, Sensory, Doll House, Kitchen/Dramatic Play, Puppets, and Small Group Exploration
  • Clean Up/ Snack Time
  • Recess - We go out daily to use the playground or other large motor equipment, and if it is too wet or cold- we do dance, yoga, or large motor activities indoors.


Art , Music and Reading Buddies