Behavior Management


In Fourth grade, I use Live School, which is a point system for keeping track of behavior, students' responsibility, and character. This point system helps to support my basic classroom rules. The five rules in the classroom are:

  1. Follow Directions Quickly!
  2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
  3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
  4. Make smart choices. 
  5. Keep your dear teacher happy.

These rules are reviewed every  day by the students and sometimes we repeat a certain rule or rules throughout the course of the day as well, if needed. Students who are following the rules are rewarded with positive points on Live School. Students who have forgotten the rules lose points or are asked to recall the rule at recess through recital. The rules have been memorized by all students, so I can be confident they  know their expectations. 

The points earned on Live School transfer into my Super Improvers game in the classroom. This game allows students to earn a sticker for each day he or she earns five positive points on LIve School. The stickers are placed on a chart at their desks. The game progresses through many levels and allows students to exchange their chart for the next level when they have earned ten stickers. This has become a competition for positive behavior!

We also have jobs in the classroom. Students are randomly selected to choose a job for the month. The jobs may only be held by upstanding citizens of the classroom. The jobs vary from computer techs to paper passers. Students who follow the rules are never in danger of being "fired" from their job. However, students who have a higher number of negative points than positive points lose their job.